Thursday, April 10, 2008

Recommender Watch: Stumble Upon

This week I played around with my Preferences in Stumble Upon to see how it reacts to these changes.

I set my preferences to only cricket and it recommended some good websites.
In one case it also recommended a video being played online in one of the news telecast website.

Then I added University/College to the list and it recommended some useful websites for students.

Next I added Dating, Relationships and Love to the list and it brought up websites for the same.

In an interesting case, it recommended me a link for a course in the Cornell University, in which an article on the “Science of love” was posted maybe as some course material.

Recommended Website:

In another case, it showed up a website having the topic “A Systems Engineering Approach to Dating and Relationships


It also showed up many website having a similar topic “How to say I Love You In different Languages”

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