Thursday, April 10, 2008

Recommender Watch: Stumble Upon

This week I played around with my Preferences in Stumble Upon to see how it reacts to these changes.

I set my preferences to only cricket and it recommended some good websites.
In one case it also recommended a video being played online in one of the news telecast website.

Then I added University/College to the list and it recommended some useful websites for students.

Next I added Dating, Relationships and Love to the list and it brought up websites for the same.

In an interesting case, it recommended me a link for a course in the Cornell University, in which an article on the “Science of love” was posted maybe as some course material.

Recommended Website:

In another case, it showed up a website having the topic “A Systems Engineering Approach to Dating and Relationships


It also showed up many website having a similar topic “How to say I Love You In different Languages”

How LikeMinds generates Recommendations

By now we all are familiar with the different types of recommender systems, but what we dont know much is how they are used in real world applications.

Lets look into one such recommender application named LikeMinds and see how it generates Recommendations for users.

Read the entire article at:

Thursday, April 3, 2008

HPRS: A Profitability based Recommender

Traditional Recommender Systems learn about user preferences over time and recommends products that fit the learned model of user preferences.

In tradition, recommendations are provided to customers based on purchase probability and customers’ references, without considering the profitability factor or sellers. This work presents a new profitability-based recommender system, HPRS (Hybrid Perspective Recommender System), which attempts to integrate the profitability factor into the traditional recommender systems

For the entire article please view HPRS: A profitability based recommender system
Mu-Chen Chen,; Long-Sheng Chen,; Fei-Hao Hsu,; Yuanjia Hsu,; Hsiao-Ying Chou,;
in the IEEE Xplore.

Login to IEEE Xplore and read the entire article